GIFLUID - Green Infrastructures to mitigate flood risks in Urban and sub-urban areas and to improve the quality of rainwater discharges
Project in Numbers
Duration: 30 mesi
Start Date: 21.06.2021
End Date: 20.12.2023
N. Partner: 5
Project progress:
Total Budget : 2.105.500,00 €
of which FERDF Contribution € 1.687.250
The project addresses the risk of flooding in the coastal river basins of the cooperation area, resulting from the impacts of climate change. Human activities and the increasing urbanization of these areas increase the risk of floods thus creating greater risks to human life, economic and cultural activities.
To mitigate these risks, the project intends to integrate nature-based solutions through the testing of Green Urban Infrastructure (IUV) in the inhabited parts of these basins and thus supporting the global optimization of cross-border coastal communities.
The project plans to develop its own mitigation framework through the implementation of three key action areas. The first action focuses on the experimentation (adaptation) of three types of IUV, porous flooring, rain gardens and green roofs, analyzed and implemented on a laboratory and real scale in Sicily and Malta.
The second action of the project focuses on the integration of IUVs in a GIS-based basin model that will allow modelling on about 90,000,000 sqm between Sicily and Malta of runoff flows (and floods) in different application scenarios. This modelling will provide an IUV planning tool for local and regional authorities.
The third action of the project focuses on the development of a General Plan drawn up on the basis of the results of the two previous actions. This plan aims to develop a guiding methodology for local authorities in defining the economically optimal level of application of IUVs.
Finally, the project will propose a policy paper on the application of IUVs to mitigate flood risk, encouraging a greater focus on presenting the technical and scientific results of the project to policy makers.
These actions will be complemented by communication and dissemination activities (conferences, green workshops, technical visits, exchange of experts) carried out during the project that will contribute to the promotion of IUVs.
Expected Results:
4,700 square meters of surface in which IUV are adopted such as porous flooring, installation of green roofs and rain gardens;
90,000 square kilometers on which a GIS-based model of IUV will be tested at the level of the river basin to assess the impact of the mitigation action;
No 1 policy document on the applications of IUV.
Project aims at mitigating flood risks in coastal river basins through natural solutions such as testing Green Urban Infrastructure (IUV) in inhabited parts of these basins and thus supporting the global optimization of cross-border coastal communities
The project activities will carry out:
- 3,300 square meters of cross-border area on which porous floors (PP) and rain gardens (RG) will be installed; a Monitoring Framework will be applied for the operation and maintenance of PP and RG; and a manual will be drawn up for the design, construction, monitoring and maintenance of PP and RG
- 1,400 square meters of cross-border area on which a green roof (GR) will be installed; 1 Monitoring Framework for the operation and maintenance of the GR will be applied; and 1 Manual for the design, construction, monitoring and maintenance of GR will be drawn up
- 90,000,000 square meters of river basin modeled on a GIS platform that allows the assessment of the impact of the IUV for flood mitigation
- a masterplan on the application of IUVs in an environmental, social and economic context
- large cross-border areas to which actions to disseminate knowledge on IUVs are to be targeted
Project Lead Partner:
Università degli Studi di Catania
Energy and Water Agency
Comune di Aci Castello
Rabat Local Council
Dipartimento Regionale Tecnico – Assessorato Regionale delle Infrastrutture e della Mobilità – Regione Siciliana
Università degli Studi di Catania
Piazza Università 2 - 95131 Catania – Italia
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