Project in Numbers
Duration: 30 mounths
Start Date: 13.11.2020
End Date: 14.05.2023
Partner N. : 7
Project progress:
Total Budget: 1.591.572,73 €
ERDF Contribution of which: 1.352.836,81 €
The CORALLO project supports the dissemination and use of the natural heritage through a diverse range of edutainment tools and minor and non-intrusive infrastructure interventions within Natura 2000 (N2K) sites.
Through the project, state-of-the-art educational services and facilities will be developed in each of the target sites, including extensive use of virtual and extended reality including documentaries and short video clips. In addition, the iconic species and habitats encountered at each of N2K's target sites will be exhibited in different centers identified for intervention, thus capitalizing on the unique strengths and resources held by each site.
The CORALLO project also provides mobile awareness tools, i.e. scientific campaigns for citizens, a boat of project information, smartphone apps and games and online tools, which will allow to reach a wide range of end users.
Expected results:
N. 6 protected marine and land sites (three in Malta and three in Sicily) that will adopt implementation plans for the responsible use of the sites, to increase their awareness and appreciation among varied end users, using a wide range of non-invasive tools and resources. The area of the Maltese and Sicilian N2K sites involved will collectively cover a value of more than 100 sq km.
CORALLO wants to achieve a greater degree of awareness of the biodiversity existing within N2K sites and the promotion of related ecosystem services. The project then carries out awareness-raising activities with as many end users as possible.
The project activities will carry out for each of the six N2K sites (three in Malta and three in Sicily):
- Needs/gaps analysis
- SWOT analysis
- Targeted implementation plans
- Non-mobile/fixed Innovative ICT tools and resources for awareness generation to be installed within the hubs/visitor centres of the site
- Tools for transient activities such as the development of a traveling exhibition and a tripping boat for the dissemination of information
- Awareness generation tools based on digital ICT, including GAMING
-Training and awareness-raising demonstration activities conducted for the public
-Conduct codes for the promotion of responsible use of the sites
Project Lead Partner::
University of Malta - Department of Geosciences
Project Partners:
Environment and Resources Authority - Environment and Resources Directorate (National Affairs Unit, Biodiversity and Water Unit)
Heritage Malta - Prehistoric Sites Department
Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente - Direzione Generale – Direzione Tecnica
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF)
Consorzio di Ricerca per lo Sviluppo di Sistemi Innovativi Agroambientali
Associated Partners:
Malta Tourism Authority
Comune di Rosolini
Area Marina Protetta Pelagie
Rassegna Stampa