Corallo +SI - Corallo Capitalization project for Smaller Islands, Natural Parks and Marine Protected Areas
Project in Numbersi
Duration: 9 months
Start Date: 08.01.2023
End Date: 08.10.2023
N. Partner: 7
Project progress:
Total Budget: 1.001.735,74€
of which ERDF Contribution: 843.825,38 €
Corallo +SI intends to capitalize on the results of the Corallo project and part of the results of the AMPPA project by transferring the acquired technologies to new stakeholders and the creation of a permanent cross-border network for the management of the MPA.
Capitalisation activities include:
- the upgrading and expansion of equipment covering a cross-border area that includes the other islands of the Maltese archipelago, Gozo and Comino, the Marine Protected Area of Capo Milazzo and the other smaller Sicilian islands: Pantelleria, the Pelagie Archipelago and the island of Ustica.
- the transfer and reuse of equipment for the benefit of the managing bodies of other Marine Protected Areas and natural parks of Malta and Sicily not initially involved in the Corallo project.
- the creation of a stable community of managing bodies of marine protected areas and natural parks of Malta and Sicily, aggregated around the common theme of the protection and restoration of biodiversity of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, the promotion of services for the same ecosystems and the expansion of Natura 2000 sites present in the transboundary area.
Potential takers of the project results identify with the staff of the site managing bodies and all potential users of the sites.
Expected Results:
+100 km2 of area of Maltese and Sicilian N2K sites (6 marine and terrestrial sites involved) in which common actions will be developed for the protection of biodiversity
The main objective of CORALLO+SI is to promote a greater degree of awareness among the end users of N2K sites about the existing biodiversity resources and the promotion of ecosystem services.
Project activities will realize:
- n. 6 Immersive technological rooms on the smaller islands (one for each smaller island)
- n. 6 Awareness campaigns for the correct use of protected areas (one for each minor island)
- n. 1 stable cross-border network created between MPA / N2K sites with particular attention to the Minor Islands in the programme area
Project Lead Partner:
Consorzio Plemmirio
Project Partners:
University of Malta
Environment and Resources Authority - Environment and Resources Directorate (National Affairs Unit, Biodiversity and Water Unit)
Heritage Malta
Ghanjnsielem local council
Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente - Direzione Generale – Direzione Tecnica
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF)
Associated Partner :
Area Marina Protetta Pelagie
Area Marina Protetta Capo Milazzo
Area Marina Protetta Isola di Ustica
Ente Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria
Rassegna Stampa