
#EURegionsWeek Workshop

SAVE THE DATE: 12 October 2021 16:30 CET Since today pre-registration to the EU Regions Week has been opened. Join our Citizens participation #EURegionsWeek workshop on... Leggi di più

Calypso South – Facebook streaming

Today the Facebook streaming of  the University of Malta, lead-partner of the Calypso South project. It is about project activities and project achievements reached up-today. Foollow... Leggi di più

Calypso South – Inauguration of the HF Radar and Press Conference

The University of Malta, lead partner of the Calypso South project, is organizing an event for 12 August 2021, 10:00 am to inaugurate the completion of... Leggi di più

MOVE-ON Project. Public procedure selection

Public selection procedure related to the provision of support services in the implementation of the following communication activities: Drafting a Strategic Communication Plan Support to the... Leggi di più

Info Italia-Malta n. 4

Info Italia-Malta, the monthly information service of the INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Cross-border Cooperation Programme is online. This fourth issue is dedicated to the theme of the... Leggi di più

Quaderni di Economia Sociale_Report Enisie

The Mediterranean way to social innovation and social entrepreneurship passes through Italy Malta! In the Quaderni di Economia Sociale, the semi-annual online magazine created by SRM... Leggi di più

ENISIE project post COVID-19 Help Desk

COVID-19 emergency has had an impact on enterprises’ businesses and on the development of the start-ups and of the organisations of the Sicilian and Maltese cross-border... Leggi di più

International Day of the Mediterranean Sea

Today is the International Day of the Mediterranean Sea. Despite having an area of about 1% of all seas, the Mediterranean is home to over 12... Leggi di più

Partecipating to #EURegionsWeek

The INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Programme participates to The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek), the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy that will... Leggi di più

Regulations package for the Programming period 2021-2027

The package was published in the Official Journal of the European Union series L n. 231 of the 30 June 2021 and is yet in force... Leggi di più

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