
Territorial Cooperation Agenda 2030- a Programme Interact initiative

Territorial Cooperation Agenda 2030: Interact Programme start the collection of important projects. Deadline for submission April 19 Territorial Cooperation Agenda 2030 is the subject of the... Leggi di più

Giornata Nazionale del Mare

Today is Italian National Sea Day. The INTERREG V-A Italy-Malta 2014-2020 Program contributes to the monitoring, protection and care of the blue continent. The Ministry of... Leggi di più

Modification of the INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Programme

On January 19, 2021, a request for modification of the Cooperation Programme was submitted. The request was submitted by the Managing Authority through the Commission's electronic... Leggi di più

Itama project – webinar for the scientific knowledge diffusion

Within Itama project, on Saturday, April 10 2021 9:30 am is organized a webinar for the scientific knowledge diffusion. The project develops innovative ICT tools for... Leggi di più

Info Italia-Malta n. 1

Info Italia-Malta, the monthly information service of the INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Cross-border Cooperation Programme is online. Each issue contains a thematic focus on the contribution of... Leggi di più

Progetto i-waveNET – Varata la Boa ondametrica

As part of the  i-waveNET, project, funded under the Notice 2/2019 of the Programme, the wave buoy of Mazzara del Vallo has been lauched to monitor... Leggi di più

Enisie Project – Call for selection for the WP7 implementation

A selection is announced for no. 1 assignment to carry out the "Communication & Innovative Services" activity in implementation of ENISIE project WP7. ENISIE project is... Leggi di più

MOVE ON Project – Experts Research

The Consortium ASS.FOR.SEO ltd as Lead Partner of the project "MOVE ON – Mobilità transfrontaliera attraverso l’erogazione di voucher” financed under the Program Notice 2/2019, launched... Leggi di più


It is online #COHESION, the first issue of the Web Magazine on cohesion policies edited by the Italian Agency for Territorial Cohesion. Communication plays now a... Leggi di più

MOVE ON Project – PP2 HERMES Corp. Lim. is searching for a First Level Controller

MOVE ON Project - PP2 HERMES Corp. Lim. is searching for a First Level Controller. Application could be submitted 'till 15.02.2021. For detailed information please dowload ... Leggi di più

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