Archivio per: News

Home Page - ENG, News 12 April 2021
Territorial Cooperation Agenda 2030- a Programme Interact initiative

Territorial Cooperation Agenda 2030: Interact Programme start the collection of important projects. Deadline for submission April 19 Territorial Cooperation Agenda 2030 is the subject of …

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Home Page - ENG, News 11 April 2021
Giornata Nazionale del Mare

Today is Italian National Sea Day. The INTERREG V-A Italy-Malta 2014-2020 Program contributes to the monitoring, protection and care of the blue continent. The Ministry …

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Home Page - ENG, News 8 April 2021
Modification of the INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Programme

On January 19, 2021, a request for modification of the Cooperation Programme was submitted. The request was submitted by the Managing Authority through the Commission’s …

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Home Page - ENG, News 6 April 2021
Itama project – webinar for the scientific knowledge diffusion

Within Itama project, on Saturday, April 10 2021 9:30 am is organized a webinar for the scientific knowledge diffusion. The project develops innovative ICT tools …

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Info Italia-Malta n. 1

Info Italia-Malta, the monthly information service of the INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Cross-border Cooperation Programme is online. Each issue contains a thematic focus on the contribution …

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Home Page - ENG, News 31 March 2021
Progetto i-waveNET – Varata la Boa ondametrica

As part of the  i-waveNET, project, funded under the Notice 2/2019 of the Programme, the wave buoy of Mazzara del Vallo has been lauched to …

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Enisie Project – Call for selection for the WP7 implementation

A selection is announced for no. 1 assignment to carry out the “Communication & Innovative Services” activity in implementation of ENISIE project WP7. ENISIE project …

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MOVE ON Project – Experts Research

The Consortium ASS.FOR.SEO ltd as Lead Partner of the project “MOVE ON – Mobilità transfrontaliera attraverso l’erogazione di voucher” financed under the Program Notice 2/2019, …

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About us, Home Page - ENG, News 4 March 2021

It is online #COHESION, the first issue of the Web Magazine on cohesion policies edited by the Italian Agency for Territorial Cohesion. Communication plays now …

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MOVE ON Project – PP2 HERMES Corp. Lim. is searching for a First Level Controller

MOVE ON Project – PP2 HERMES Corp. Lim. is searching for a First Level Controller. Application could be submitted ’till 15.02.2021. For detailed information please …

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