Archivio per: Job opportunities

Project “MOVE ON” Notice n° 5- Expert selection procedure

The MOVEON project has published a Notice for Expert Team Selection Procedure for the following professional profiles: Territorial animator engaged in meetings to promote the …

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MOVE-ON Project. Public procedure selection

Public selection procedure related to the provision of support services in the implementation of the following communication activities: Drafting a Strategic Communication Plan Support to …

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ENISIE- Selection Notice “Business Development & New opportunities”

Selection Notice for n.1 assignment of job for carrying out the “Business Development & New opportunities” activity in implementation of WP7 of the ENISIE project …

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ENISIE Project – Selection Notice “Funding & Internationalisation”

Selection Notice for n.1 assignment of job for carrying out the “Funding & Internationalisation” activity in implementation of WP7 of the ENISIE project funded under …

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Enisie Project – Selection Notice “Web Communication & Marketing”

Selection Notice for n.1 assignment of job for carrying out the “Web Communication & Marketing” activity in implementation of WP7 of the ENISIE project funded …

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MOVE ON Project – Notice 2 experts research

The ASS. FOR. SEO. Società Consortile ar.l., Lead Partner of MOVE ON, a project funded under the Programme Notice 2/2019, has published the “Public Notice …

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Enisie Project – Call for selection for the WP7 implementation

A selection is announced for no. 1 assignment to carry out the “Communication & Innovative Services” activity in implementation of ENISIE project WP7. ENISIE project …

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MOVE ON Project – Experts Research

The Consortium ASS.FOR.SEO ltd as Lead Partner of the project “MOVE ON – Mobilità transfrontaliera attraverso l’erogazione di voucher” financed under the Program Notice 2/2019, …

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