Archivio per: News

Home Page - ENG, News 22 November 2021
Bythos Project Closing Event

The Closing Event of the Bythos Project will be held in the Sala delle Verifiche of Palazzo Steri, Piazza Marina, Palermo on November 24, 2021 …

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MOVE ON Project Notice n 6 – Expert selection procedure

The MOVEON project has published a Notice for Expert Team Selection Procedure for the following professional profiles: Expert in dissemination of results Expert in capitalization …

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Project “MOVE ON” Notice n° 5- Expert selection procedure

The MOVEON project has published a Notice for Expert Team Selection Procedure for the following professional profiles: Territorial animator engaged in meetings to promote the …

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Home Page - ENG, News 16 November 2021
INTERREG Italia Malta 2021-2027 – Thematic tables for partnership consultation

The Managing Authority and the Maltese National Coordination Authority supported by the Joint Secretariat will launch in the coming days the consultation process with the partnership of the …

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Home Page - ENG, News 28 October 2021
IKNOW – Final Conference modality modification

Due to whether bad conditions the project event of the 29 October 2021 from 9:30am to 1:30pm will be held online only. For the foreigner …

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Home Page - ENG, News 21 October 2021
Progetto IKnow – Final Conference

A final conference will be held on 29th October at the Aula Magna of the University of Messina for the closing of the cooperation project …

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SimaSeed Project Closure Event

On Wednesday 27 October 2021 at 9:30pm in Catania it will take place the SimaSeed Project Closure Event Financed within Notice 1/2016, the project has …

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Home Page - ENG, News 18 October 2021
ENISIE – Innovazione sociale nel Mediterraneo

What is the social innovation in the Mediterranean Area? ENISIE Project toghether with #HUBMED tried to answer to this question with a research addressed to …

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Calypso South – Evento Finale e Seminario

Friday 22 October 2021 from 9:30 am to 17:30 pm it takes place in  Aci Castello (Catania) the Final Event of the Calypso South project. …

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