Archivio per: Home Page – ENG

Corallo Project – Public Notice n. 12 of 22.08.2022

Corallo Project – negotiated procedure for the akward of the PP6 Consorzio Plemmirio activities within the WP 4 Implementation – realization of underwater video guide …

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MOVEON Project – Hermes ltd Selection Notice

HERMES ltd, MOVEON project Maltese partner, published a public selection procedure related to the provision of support services in the implementation of the following project …

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Home Page - ENG, News 8 August 2022
CROSSWORK Project- Public Notice for the selection of 30 recipients

CROSSWORK Project- Public Notice for the selection of 30 recipients of cross-border mobility vouchers for the realization in Malta of job placement internships IPS Principi …

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Home Page - ENG, News 5 August 2022
INTERREG V – A Italia-Malta – Communication regarding the forthcoming claim’s deadline

Hereunder is possible to download the communication regarding the forthcoming claim’s deadline

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Notice 3\2022 – Information Meeting

The Managing Authority and the Maltese National Coordination Authority, with the support of the Joint Secretariat, organized an information meeting on 04 August 2022, at …

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MOVE ON Project – Public Notice n.7 for experts team selection

In order to strengthen the front-office activities for information and assistance, ASS. FOR. SEO, MOVE ON Project lead partner, has published a new call for …

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MEN Project – Selection notice for the assignment of 15 vouchers for work placements

The Comune di Acireale, lead partner of the MEN project, has published a Selection Notice for the assignment of n. 15 Vouchers for the activation …

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Home Page - ENG, News 2 August 2022
MOVEON Project addictions to the Maltese Voucher Selection Notice

The MOVEON project has published today additions to the Maltese Public Notice for the selection of recipients of cross-border mobility vouchers for the realization of …

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MOVEON Project addictions to the Sicilian Voucher Selection Notice

The MOVEON project has published today additions to the Sicilian Public Notice for the selection of recipients of cross-border mobility vouchers for the realization of …

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