Monitoring Committee

According to Article 47 of the CPR, Italy and Malta shall set up a Monitoring Committee to monitor the implementation of the programme, in agreement with the Managing Authority.

The Monitoring Committee is responsible for supervising the program implementation processes and the progress made in achieving its objectives. The composition of the Monitoring Committee has been agreed by the member States participating in the program and is composed of an equal number, that is 6, of Italian and Maltese members.

For the Italian Republic:

  • a representative of the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Department for cohesion policies or of the Agency for territorial cohesion, depending on the items on the agenda;
  • a representative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance - General Inspectorate for financial relations with the European Union (MEF-IGRUE);
  • a regional representative of the Environmental Authority;
  • a regional representative referent for equal opportunities;
  • a representative of the Sicilian Region - Department of Programming;
  • a representative of the Association of Sicilian Municipalities


For the Republic of Malta:

  • a representative of the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs;
  • a representative of the Ministry for Finance;
  • a representative of the Malta Planning Authority (PA);
  • a representative of the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE);
  • a representative of the DG Strategy and Implementation, OPS, MFEA;
  • a representative of the Ministry for Gozo.


The Monitoring Committee draws up and adopt its rules of procedure and meets at least once a year.

The Monitoring Committee examines and reviews the implementation of the programme and progress towards achieving its objectives. It could establish additional rules on eligibility of expenditure for the cooperation programme. (eg. flat rate for Internal staff and administrative costs as envisaged in line with Art. 18 of the ETC Regulation).

Decisions are taken on a consensus basis expressed by each active member; in case consensus cannot be found the decisions are taken by a majority vote.

Decisions can be made following a written procedure among the members of the Monitoring Committee according to the conditions defined by the rules of procedure.

At the meeting of Monitoring Committee, the following can participate in a consultative capacity and without voting rights: the Certifying Authority, the Audit Authority, the Joint Secretariat, A representative of the Managing Authority of the relative mainstream OPs (ERDF and EADF) for Sicily and Malta, two representatives each, for Sicily and Malta, from the institutional partnership, two representatives, including one from the socioeconomic partnership and one from the third sector, per Member State and a European Commission representative with consultancy functions.

The Monitoring Committee, in line with Article 12 of the ETC Regulation (EU) No. 1299/2013, will establish an internal Executive Committee (ExC), that acts under the responsibility of the Monitoring Committee, for the selection of operations projects and to contribute to their good follow-up.

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